How To Curb Appetite

How To Curb Appetite
How To Curb Appetite

Sometimes the feeling of hunger can drive us crazy. Especially in women on a diet, hunger can cause a lot of headaches. When women are hungry but follow a diet, they are often irritable, out of touch and nervous. Often with each dietary restriction, the appetite becomes stronger and stronger. To help and curb your weakness in the face of juicy steaks and sweet temptations, follow these tips, which many nutritionists recommend to their clients:

Eat often and in small amounts

If you eat small amounts of food five times a day, you will speed up your metabolism. This way you will burn calories faster, and the feeling of hunger and uncontrollable appetite will be unfamiliar to you. Frequent eating in small amounts is much more useful than 1-2 hearty meals.

Don't miss breakfast

Be sure to eat in the morning, because breakfast is the one that gives energy to the body for the whole day. If you do not have the habit of having breakfast, be sure to create one. In the morning, eat foods rich in protein and complex carbohydrates.

Drink water before each meal

Drinking Water
Drinking Water

One or two glasses of water before each meal is a powerful means of limiting the amount of food and creating a feeling of satiety. On top of that, grapefruit juice or natural tomato juice have the same effect, which satisfies the appetite.

Eat slowly and calmly

Eating should become a whole ritual. You should eat at a table and in a relaxed atmosphere. Forget eating in front of the TV or on foot. Do not rush and chew each bite very carefully and slowly. Enjoy the food.

The end result will not be late - the feeling of satiety will be much longer, and you will facilitate your digestion.

Limit coffee

According to research by scientists, coffee consumption is directly proportional to appetite. The more coffee we drink, the more our appetite will increase. The allowed dose is one to two coffees a day, which is absolutely enough. Do not sweeten the coffee, and if you can't drink it clean, add a little honey.

Apples are equal to health


Apples contain pectin, which helps to lose weight, and their seeds contain a significant amount of iodine, which in addition to all its other positive properties for the thyroid gland is also very useful for reducing appetite.

The obligatory green tea

If you drink green tea regularly, during the day or before meals, you will burn calories faster and it will be easier to drive away your appetite. It is no coincidence that green tea is a mandatory element in any diet. Green tea cleanses the body and burns calories.
