Popular Products In Italy That Are Emblems Of Local Cuisine

Popular Products In Italy That Are Emblems Of Local Cuisine
Popular Products In Italy That Are Emblems Of Local Cuisine

Each nation is proud of its national cuisine, which has focused the tastes of individual regions and made them a universal preference. However, some nations may rightly claim that their cuisine is known and preferred around the world. From the European continent we can immediately point out the French and Italian cuisine.

If French cuisine is synonymous with sophistication and sophisticated culinary delights, then Italian is associated with the Mediterranean diet and is associated with light, nutritious and simple food with excellent taste. That is why Italian specialties are becoming the most popular food consumed anywhere in the world.

The wonderful and varied flavors, which are far from pompous, are its most important characteristics and they are what make it so popular.

The incredible harmony of taste sensations Italian masters achieve with the help of affordable products, but combined in an interesting way. And the most important condition that relies on in the kitchen - this is the freshness of the products.

As the successors of one of the most ancient national cuisines, the Italians have long understood that only fresh and always fresh products show their exquisite taste at every bite.

If we think about it, chefs in Italy use for each recipe no more than 3-4 products. Botusha's local dishes are rarely a waste of extravagance, they are usually created to feed the family without overdoing it. The secret of their excellent taste is in their combination.

Wed. the emblematic Italian products, which most often make up the recipes, we find olive oil, wheat flour and rice. From them the cult paste is prepared in different varieties. Wheat flour is also used to make pasta, which is synonymous with the whole country - pizza, ravioli, lasagna crusts and many other foods typical of the region.

Central location in some regions of Italy they also occupy the chestnuts, from which chestnut flour is prepared, which is the basis of a whole set of interesting recipes.

Olive oil is mainly due to the healthy nature of Italian food and the Mediterranean diet in general. This vegetable fat allows any type of healthy food processing, whether it is vegetable or meat products.

Rice is a product that we usually associate with Italian risotto. The superb taste of this very simple but amazing delicious specialty draws our attention to the basic product, which is available all over the world and can be prepared in an unexpectedly pleasant and healthy way.

The various types of Italian cheeses such as Parmesan, Grana Padano, Mozzarella, Mascarpone, Cachotta, etc., which successfully compete with the refined French tastes, should be added to the emblematic products. Consumed not only alone, but also as part of a variety of recipes, they are always the basis of the taste of the dish.

IN Italian cuisine fresh and light but nutritious are valued Food - Eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, fresh spices such as basil and oregano are some of the main protagonists in the local cuisine, which are combined in a unique way with different meats.

Investing their imagination and flair for food, Italian chefs know how to make each of them an emblem and turn cooking into a real art.
