Attention! Do Not Mix These Foods And Medicines

Attention! Do Not Mix These Foods And Medicines
Attention! Do Not Mix These Foods And Medicines

There are foods that stop the action of some drugs. Here are the most incompatible combinations with which we must be very careful!

1. Bananas and blood pills

Potassium-rich bananas (including oranges and green leafy vegetables) stop blood pressure medications (such as Kartopril). This is because the combination of them raises the level of potassium in the body too much and can cause arrhythmia and palpitations.

2. Cough and citrus medicines


Citrus fruits can interact poorly with these medications. It slows down their dissolution in the body and can cause drowsiness.

3. Alcohol and painkillers

It is clear to all of us that alcohol should not be consumed while taking medication. But it is important to note that taking both at the same time can lead to serious liver damage. Drowsiness and dizziness may occur.

4. Coffee and medicines for asthma, lung disease and chronic bronchitis

Medicines such as bronchodilators are intended to relieve muscle pain and clear the airways. Their combination with coffee / caffeine / can lead to nervousness and palpitations. In addition, caffeine intake reduces the benefits of medication.

5. Milk and antibiotics

If you are going to consume milk while taking antibiotics, it is recommended that it be at least one hour before and after taking the pills.

6. Grapefruit and drugs to lower blood pressure


The last non-recommended combination that we will mention is between grapefruit and drugs to lower blood pressure. Grapefruit stops the breakdown of these medications and can cause muscle pain.
