With These Warming Foods You Will Not Be Cold This Winter

With These Warming Foods You Will Not Be Cold This Winter
With These Warming Foods You Will Not Be Cold This Winter

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Each season comes with its own charm, but on cold days many people experience discomfort and get sick easily. It is important when you feel sick to know which foods can help strengthen your immune system and keep you warm.

In the following lines we present you warming foodswith which you will not be cold this one winter.

Spicy foods

Spicy foods warm the body and help you breathe easier. For example, peppers maintain a stable immunity and are high in vitamin C, carotene, vitamin B-complex, potassium and iron, and other options for spicy food seasoning are wasabi and horseradish sauce.

Chicken soup

Warming chicken soup
Warming chicken soup

To suppress the symptoms of colds, include in the diet warming foodswhich help to facilitate the secretion. First of all, you can choose tomato soup or chicken soup with noodles. Vegetable soup also helps hydrate and secrete secretions, reducing inflammation in the throat.


It is true that vitamin C does not cure colds and flu, but reduces the severity of symptoms and even their duration. The most affordable and well-known fruits with a high content of vitamin C are oranges, lemons, grapefruit and pomelo. They contain flavonoids that keep the immune system stable. In addition, they charge with energy and thus save you from the lethargic mood on cold days. But you should pay attention that there are citrus fruits that can be irritating and cause pain and stomach discomfort.



Hot or slightly hot liquids relieve sore throat. Chinese, Japanese or American varieties of tea help the body fight infections due to natural compounds with antibacterial properties.

In addition, during the winter, avoid foods high in sugar, as they cause inflammation and affect the immune system, but also fatty foods, such as burgers and french fries, which are more difficult to digest than proteins and carbohydrates.
