Strawberries Were Also Present During The Ice Age

Strawberries Were Also Present During The Ice Age
Strawberries Were Also Present During The Ice Age

Prehistoric finds from Swiss pile dwellings prove that even during the ice age, wild small strawberries served as food for our ancestors.

Other historians suggest that the cultivation of the tasty plant dates back to antiquity. Traditionally, wild strawberries grow on forest meadows, thorns and meadows, embankments and hills. In Europe, the French, who are famous for their hedonism, were the first to start growing strawberries. This happened in the distant XIV century.

Then, in addition to the plate, scarlet strawberries were in the dining rooms and lavish palace halls. It served as a delicate ornamental plant because of its beautiful flowers. In medieval Christian Europe, the strawberry was perceived not only as a culinary temptation but also as a symbol of righteousness and goodness. Strawberries were defined as the "fruits of the spirit."

Today, the garden strawberry is widespread in almost all of Europe, in large areas in Asia, America, Australia and North Africa. It is estimated that more than 5,000 varieties of strawberries have been created in different countries. Among the most common varieties in Bulgaria are Souvenir, Pocahontas, Cambridge favorite and Zenga Zengana - German variety, one of the most famous on the Old Continent.


In Bulgaria, the cultivation of strawberries began in the XIX century. Today, wild strawberry is the most widespread in the world. In addition to its aesthetic appearance, the fruit wins fans thanks to its nutritional qualities.

Strawberry is one of the best sources of vitamin C for the human body. In terms of vitamin C content, strawberries are second only to blackcurrants. The daily need for vitamin C can be covered if you eat 200-250 grams of fresh strawberries.

The fruits have a tonic effect, help with diseases of the oral cavity. Strawberries are also suitable for consumption by diabetics (mild forms of diabetes), due to the minimal amount of sucrose in the composition.
