The Most Important Tricks For Delicious Homemade Easter Cakes

The Most Important Tricks For Delicious Homemade Easter Cakes
The Most Important Tricks For Delicious Homemade Easter Cakes

We are waiting for one of the brightest Christian holidays - the Resurrection of Christ! Many housewives will roll up their sleeves and decide to prove themselves in the kitchen by kneading Easter cakes, rolls, rolls and other delicacies. Kneading is not an easy job, I know it from experience, not that I am a great master. I have been making my own Easter cakes for 5 years now.

When I start kneading, the whole kitchen turns into a dough workshop and then smells like a bakery. I was looking for a recipe for Easter cake and came across these 6 tricks to make your Easter cakes fluffy. Here they are, I share them with you.

Rule 1 - Always knead only with wheat white flour type 500. There are many types on the market now, so be careful what you choose!

Rule 2 "Easter eggs love eggs!" As Winnie the Pooh says - the more, the better! The rule is to put no more than 5 eggs per kilogram of flour.

Rule 3 "Mess for a long time until your hands are numb!" Prolonged kneading and adding fat will make the Easter cake into threads. Some hit him 100 times on the table, I don't. The dough does not like rough treatment, but is prepared with love!

Easter bread
Easter bread

Rule 4 - Fermentation should be at least 1 hour and a half or 2 hours. First it can be left for 45 minutes, then it is formed and left for a second fermentation - for another 45 minutes!

Rule 5 - The dough loves warm! The temperature in the room where it is kneaded should be up to 28 degrees. This will make it swell better.

Rule 6 - Bake the Easter cakes on low heat! If the oven is strong, it will grab it and burn on top, and the inside will be raw.

If we follow these tricks, on Easter we will enjoy delicious and fluffy Easter cakes. Good luck in the endeavor of all chefs - both beginners and masters!
