Chicken Trifles - The Important Culinary Rules In Their Cooking

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Video: Chicken Trifles - The Important Culinary Rules In Their Cooking

Video: Chicken Trifles - The Important Culinary Rules In Their Cooking
Video: Pro Chef Turns 2 Rotisserie Chickens Into 4 Meals For Under $12 | The Smart Cook | Epicurious 2024, September
Chicken Trifles - The Important Culinary Rules In Their Cooking
Chicken Trifles - The Important Culinary Rules In Their Cooking

Chicken livers

Chicken livers are recommended food for children and pregnant women. The reason is the large amounts of easily digestible iron. As you know, in order to fill the deficiency in the body, it must be taken together with vitamin C. However, chicken livers contain it and therefore the iron in them is absorbed to the maximum. Moreover, even during heat treatment, 90% of these quantities remain unchanged.

The content of folic acid is another reason why chicken livers are present in the menu of pregnant women and children in a period of intensive growth. Deficiency of this element can lead to growth problems and poor self-esteem. Vitamin A and zinc in the liver contribute to the beauty of the skin and hair and participate in the formation of immunity. Because of all this, plus the proven content of essential fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-3, it is recommended that chicken livers be present in your menu at least 1-2 times a week.

Culinary rules for cooking chicken livers

Chicken trifles - the important culinary rules in their cooking
Chicken trifles - the important culinary rules in their cooking

- Buy only chilled chicken livers - from frozen you will never get the perfect tasty and tender dish. When fried, they will simply release juice and suffocate instead of forming a thin yellow crust and keeping their juices inside;

- Before cooking, wash them, inspect them thoroughly and if you find a gallbladder, separate it carefully with a sharp knife. Otherwise, you risk the liver becoming bitter;

- Before frying, dry the livers with kitchen paper and do not salt them to preserve their delicious juices;

- Do not put the whole amount of liver in the pan at once, but gradually - 2-3. Otherwise the temperature of the fat will drop and they will simply boil in their own juice;

- Check the readiness of the livers by pressing them - they should not be hard, but only slightly thicker than raw.

Chicken heart

Chicken trifles - the important culinary rules in their cooking
Chicken trifles - the important culinary rules in their cooking

Chicken hearts perfectly restore strength - these small pills, which weigh only 30 grams, are a valuable source of non-B vitamins, and in an amount not found in any other product. They are very important for your immunity and the health of your liver and blood vessels. Even heat treatment loses a small percentage of vitamins in them, so even if they cook longer, the hearts remain just as useful for you.

It is already known that they are extremely necessary for those suffering from anemia, because the chemical elements in them help hematopoiesis and enrich the blood with hemoglobin. Chicken hearts act favorably after injuries and operations and help to restore strength.

Culinary rules for cooking chicken hearts

Chicken trifles - the important culinary rules in their cooking
Chicken trifles - the important culinary rules in their cooking

- Before cooking the chicken hearts, clean the blood from the inside by squeezing them lightly. Use a sharp knife to cut the dishes, fat and skins. Wash them with cold water.

- The cooking time depends on whether they are whole or cut in half. In the latter case, it takes 20 minutes after boiling, and if they are whole, cook them for 30-40 minutes under a lid;

- Check their readiness by stabbing them with a knife or toothpick - if the leaking liquid is clear, then they are ready;

- If this by-product is stored incorrectly, it may moan tough after cooking. If you suspect this, boil it in fresh milk and salt only at the end;

- Chicken hearts easily accept side odors. To remove them, put spices in the broth during cooking or pre-soak them in lemon juice or vinegar.

Chicken forks

Chicken trifles - the important culinary rules in their cooking
Chicken trifles - the important culinary rules in their cooking

Photo: Zoritsa

Chicken forks improve eyesight - this by-product is not so popular, but its useful properties are no less than the others chicken trifles. The content of large amounts of various minerals ensures the proper functioning of the endocrine glands and gastrointestinal tract, as well as the normal hormonal background. Regular use of watermills can prolong the youth of joints and cartilage. As with the liver, it contains a large amount of iron, which is absorbed by the body at 90%. The highest in this product is the content of vitamin A, which improves vision and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Chicken mills are an ideal product for fitness enthusiasts, as they provide significant amounts of pure protein. In this respect they can be compared only with chicken fillet, but unlike it they have a much brighter and more pleasant taste.

Culinary rules for cooking chicken mills

Chicken trifles - the important culinary rules in their cooking
Chicken trifles - the important culinary rules in their cooking

- Chicken mills usually boiled for 15 to 40 minutes depending on the age of the bird. You can check their readiness by cutting one of them - they must be soft enough to be chewed;

- Before you start cooking them, wash them thoroughly to remove all mechanical contaminants;

- To ensure the good taste of the dish, first carefully inspect the watermelons and carefully remove the gallbladders;

- Unlike chicken, you need to put the watermelons in cold water and then turn on the stove. This will give them a softer texture;

- The degree of freshness significantly affects the dish prepared from chicken mills. Therefore, in the store, choose those that have a light color and do not turn yellow or gray;

- Ideally, if you buy millet from young chickens - they are tender and soft. If they are older birds, they are tougher and you need to increase the cooking time;

- Salt only at the end of the heat treatment - otherwise the mills will become dry and tough.
