Sandwiches Complicate The Work Of The Stomach

Sandwiches Complicate The Work Of The Stomach
Sandwiches Complicate The Work Of The Stomach

If you have certain combinations of foods, it is possible in this material to be disappointed to learn that they are incompatible.

If you are wondering why some products are incompatible with others, you will now understand the answer to this question.

When you eat, your stomach produces gastric juice with different composition for different products. When you put certain combinations in it, it becomes difficult to separate the juice and so the food becomes indigestible.

One of the basic rules is that you should never mix carbohydrate products - such as porridge, bread, potatoes, pasta. The latter combine poorly with protein.

That is, bread with sausage or cheese. It is better to consume the last two products separately before bread. However, if you can not give up your favorite sandwiches, it is better to eat them with fresh salad. It will improve digestion.


Dairy foods and melons are incompatible with all other products.

If one of your favorite foods is the omelet, and at the same time you are worried about your stomach, then you should exclude it from your list of preferences.

Specialists in separate feeding do not recommend consuming an omelet due to incompatibility of milk and eggs. It is necessary to separate the milk from the other products, because it crosses the stomach and makes it difficult to digest the rest of the food. And fats hold back the process of digesting proteins.

Do not combine sweet foods with salty ones, it also interferes with digestion. To be able to follow these rules, it is easiest to eat separately in small portions and more often.
