A Cup Of Sage Tea Instead Of Coffee Keeps You Awake At Work

A Cup Of Sage Tea Instead Of Coffee Keeps You Awake At Work
A Cup Of Sage Tea Instead Of Coffee Keeps You Awake At Work

Fighting the urge to take a nap after lunch is usually done with coffee. The problem, however, is that the body gets used to the caffeine it contains, and over time the invigorating effect of coffee is lost, not to mention the other negative effects of caffeine on health when overdoing with a favorite beverage).

Do not lose hope, however - nutritionists suggest replacing coffee with sage tea. Its action is on the principle of two in one: it increases vitality and at the same time calms the nervous system.

This way you will feel fresh throughout the afternoon and you will cope with the nap. The scientists' explanation is that sage slows down the production of enzymes that break down acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter in the autonomic nervous system that keeps you awake and open-minded).

And another idea - chew gum! In case of an urgent need for concentration and making a quick decision with a clear eye, use this easy tool.

According to scientists, chewing gum activates muscles in a way that triggers neurons that enhance mental activity. 5 minutes with chewing gum in your mouth are enough and you will feel an invigorating effect.
