How To Properly Cook Eggs?

How To Properly Cook Eggs?
How To Properly Cook Eggs?

Boiling eggs it is difficult from the point of view that until we peel them we cannot be sure how hard we have cooked them. Fresh eggs are less likely to crack during "cooking".

This is due to the lower pH in the protein, which causes the protein to adhere to the inner membrane of the shells, "sealing" them together.

The hen's eggs are placed in a bowl of cold water, if you put them in boiling water - they will burst. To prevent them from cracking, add a teaspoon of salt to the cold water. During cooking, the eggs must be completely covered with water.

There are many dishes that visually require a soft-boiled egg with liquid yolk. To achieve this effect, you need 3 minutes after the water boils. The soft yolk, combined with hard-boiled egg white, will take you about 4 minutes.

In case you are among the fans of hard-boiled chicken eggs, it is best to leave them for 8 minutes after the water boils. Every minute beyond this time will "petrify" your eggs and they will become impersonal - with a very bright yolk, which turns blue in places.

How to properly cook eggs?
How to properly cook eggs?

Duck eggs are a truly exotic specialty that is not very common in our latitudes. If you do get such eggs, they should be washed thoroughly with cold water and baking soda, put back in cold water and boil for at least 12 minutes.

In terms of vitamins, microelements, taste and nutritional qualities, quail eggs are significantly superior to all other species.

The beneficial properties of these eggs are also recognized by medicine. Regular consumption of the product is able to alleviate the course of some neuroses and psychosomatic problems, including bronchial asthma.

To boil them loosely, you need to put them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Unlike chickens, these will not burst. If you prefer them to be firmly cooked, it takes 5 minutes.

Goose eggs are washed and placed in cold water. Boil for 15 minutes on medium heat and in a pan with a closed lid.
