How To Make Lentil Soup - A Guide For Beginners

How To Make Lentil Soup - A Guide For Beginners
How To Make Lentil Soup - A Guide For Beginners

You probably already know that legumes are among the most useful foods that we should eat at least once a week. Here we will pay attention specifically to the lentils, because in addition to being useful, it is also very easy to cook. As long as you know how.

In fact, our idea here is to form a species in a few lines beginner's guidewhich have never been prepared lentils. After all, no one is born a scientist, and our goal is to always be of use to you.

Here's what you need to know about the preparation of lentil soup.

- When buying the lens, be careful what kind of lens you take, because each lens requires a different time for its heat treatment. While peeled lentils (red lentils, which are actually orange in color) are extremely suitable for making cream soups because they are easy to boil, you would not look for this effect in the preparation of standard and traditional lentil soup. For our soup, choose brown or green (French) lentils;

Types of lentils
Types of lentils

- Although rare, c the lens there may be other impurities, including pebbles. Inspect it thoroughly before heat treatment;

- Unlike beans, which are usually soaked from the night before, lentils do not need such actions. However, washing it is mandatory. Since we literally no longer know what dyes it is treated with, it is best to discard at least its first water when boiling the lens;

- When determining in what dish to cook the lentils, keep in mind that it, like beans and rice, increases a lot in volume. The amount of water in which you will boil it also depends on whether you want the soup to be more watery or thicker;

"You've already brought the water to a boil and released the washed lentils." You discarded its first water after it boiled and left it to boil again. As soon as the lentils boil, immediately reduce the heat to a minimum;

Red lentil soup
Red lentil soup

- Read carefully what instructions about the cooking time of the lentils are given on its packaging to decide when to add finely chopped carrots, onions and garlic. These are mandatory vegetables to each lentil, and if desired you can add 1 green pepper (finely chopped);

- Only when all the products are cooked are salt and tomato / tomato juice added, as well as the constant spice for the lentils - savory. Mint is often added instead;

- Since this is a lean dish, you can add a little fat if desired. In some parts of Bulgaria even fry a little flour with butter or oil, which is added to lentil soup. This is done in order to thicken it.

We think this is quite enough to prepare one really delicious Bulgarian lentil soup. If you also have some fresh parsley, you can sprinkle it with it the moment you serve it.
