How To Make Chicken Soup - A Guide For Beginners

How To Make Chicken Soup - A Guide For Beginners
How To Make Chicken Soup - A Guide For Beginners

On cold winter days or when we are sick, the best option is to focus on a warm chicken soup. It will eliminate the temperature, relieve sore throats and headaches, unclog the nose, and feed us without straining our stomachs.

This type of soup is a favorite of many people. It is suitable for lunch and dinner because it hydrates, satiates and is not so heavy. Another reason why to make chicken soup, is that it does not take much time and is easy to prepare.

Here is the recipe for this magic soup.

Chicken soup according to grandmother's recipe

How to make chicken soup - a guide for beginners
How to make chicken soup - a guide for beginners

Products you will need for the soup:

1. 1/2 chicken, preferably homemade

2. 1 large onion

3. 1 large red pepper

4. 2 carrots

5. 1 stalk of celery

6. Noodles, about a handful and a half

7. 1 tsp. thyme

8. 1 tbsp. sol

9. A little black pepper (optional)

10. Two eggs for construction

Method of preparation of grandmother's chicken soup:

How to make chicken soup - a guide for beginners
How to make chicken soup - a guide for beginners

1. Clean the chicken well so that there are no nails and feathers when you put it to boil. Remove the head and legs;

2. Fill a large saucepan with water and place the chicken in it. It is important that the chicken is covered with water. Boil it in salted water. It is important to boil with the bones so that vitamins B1 and B2, which are contained in the bones, remain in the broth;

3. Bone the finished chicken and tear it into pieces. If you do not like the skin, you can remove it;

4. Wash the remaining products (vegetables) well. Cut the onion, celery and pepper into small pieces, and the carrots into cubes or slices (of your choice). Add them to the chicken broth along with the thyme and black pepper and leave them;

5. Once the vegetables are soft, add the chicken and noodles. Leave everything until the noodles soften and the vegetables cook;

6. Remove from the heat and add a little more salt if you think it is necessary. Allow to cool slightly;

7. In a small bowl, beat the two eggs and start adding a little of it chicken soup, stirring vigorously. When the temperatures equalize, add the contents of the bowl to the chicken soup and stir.

8. Serve grandma's chicken soup warm.
