The Most Famous Types Of Sushi

The Most Famous Types Of Sushi
The Most Famous Types Of Sushi

Many say that sushi is a way of life. If you have not yet gathered the courage to try these delicious bites of rice and raw fish, do not waste time. Sushi is a delight not only for the stomach, but also for all the senses.

In ancient times, the Japanese ate food rich in seafood from the surrounding seas. They learned to store freshly caught and cleaned fish by arranging it in large wooden containers.

Each row of fish was sprinkled with salt and sometimes rice, which also prevents the fish from rotting. The fish, pressed with a heavy lid, stayed like this for several months, and over the centuries the processing period became shorter and shorter.

In the 19th century, chef Yohei was the one who made the innovation to offer fish raw. The incredible taste spread the popularity of the bites and sushi began to be offered in different styles.

There are many types of sushi you can try today. But among the most famous are:

The most famous types of sushi
The most famous types of sushi


They are small rice "fingers" covered with fish or something else. There are countless combinations of nigiri-sushi - with tuna, shrimp, eel, cuttlefish, octopus and omelet.


This is also a small cup made of mixtures and nori stuffed with various seafood. Among the countless combinations of gunkan-sushi, the most famous are those with sea urchins and various types of caviar.


These are cones of rice, fish and vegetables wrapped in seaweed / nori /.

The most famous types of sushi
The most famous types of sushi

Maki sushi

These rolls are made of rice and seaweed with fish and / or vegetables. There are different types of maki sushi, depending on how they are prepared:

- Futo-maki - thick rolls;

- Hoso-maki - thin rolls;

- Ura-maki - roll turned outwards;


This is pressed sushi, in which the fish is pressed on the rice in a wooden box.


It is a raw fish served in pieces. It is most often cut in different ways to emphasize the appearance of the fish. Hira Zukuri is a standard square piece, the thinner one is called Ito Zukuri, and the smallest Kaku Zukuri is the thickness of a sheet of paper.


Inari-sushi is very easy to prepare, its price is not quite expensive. It is fried bags of tofu (aburage) stuffed with rice.
