The Most Popular Types Of Sushi

The Most Popular Types Of Sushi
The Most Popular Types Of Sushi

There is hardly anything more typical of Japanese cuisine than the preparation of the world-famous sushi. It has thousands of varieties not only depending on what is put in it, but also in the way of shaping and taste.

If you have not resided in Japan, it will be difficult to learn to get used to the diversity of sushi world, but it is important to know the more important species.

Here is some information about the most popular types of sushi, what are they called in Japanese and a brief description of them:

1. Makizushi

This is among the most common kind of sushi, which is prepared from rice seasoned with rice vinegar and stuffing. Although most people think that the stuffing must be raw fish, it can be mushrooms, eggs, avocados, peppers, cucumbers and more. etc. However, it and the rice must be wrapped in a sheet of dried seaweed.

2. Nigirizushi


Probably the second most popular type of sushi, or at least among the most common in the European world. It is rice on which a little wasabi is poured and a slice of raw fish is placed on top.

3. Gunkan maki

It looks a lot like maquisushi, but has much less rice to collect the stuffing.

4. Futomaki

They also resemble maquisushi, but are larger in size and are usually stuffed with several ingredients, such as raw fish, cucumber, spinach and more.

5. Tamagozushi


It is rice on which a small piece of omelet is attached through seaweed. Tamago actually means egg.

6. Oshinukizushi

The ingredients can be varied, but they are always wrapped in nori seaweed, which in turn is wrapped in rice.

7. Ebinigiri

Beautiful sushi
Beautiful sushi

This is a type of nigirizushi, but it is always prepared with some crustacean, not fish. Squid or shrimp are most commonly used.

8. Oshizuki

It is prepared in a special dish, which is stuffed with rice seasoned with rice vinegar, on which pieces of fish are placed. Leave to stand for a while, then cut into small portions.

9. Chakinzushi

It looks like a barrel, as it is made from rice, which is placed in a thin layer of omelet and tied with nori seaweed, which looks like a ribbon.
