The Biggest Myths About Diets

The Biggest Myths About Diets
The Biggest Myths About Diets

There are a number of rules for following weight loss diets, but some of them turn out to be complete fabrications. Who are the biggest myths about diets?

It should not be eaten after 19.00

If you want to lose weight, you should not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. However, if you go to bed at 11 pm, your last meal of the day does not have to be at 7 pm, because you will be hungry in the evening. Then there is a risk of not falling asleep at all or looking for food in the small hours of the day, which is even more harmful.

Fats are bad for diets

Not every food that contains fat sticks to the thighs and buttocks. The beneficial fats predominant in almonds, sunflower seeds, olive oil or flaxseed are not only healthy but also filling, helping you to easily fight the feeling of hunger. Do not hesitate to add a little olive oil when preparing a salad and do not remove nuts from the list of healthy snacks.

Nothing hydrates better than water

It is still claimed that in order for the body to be properly hydrated, it is mandatory to drink two liters of water a day and not other fluids. Water has its merits and should really be consumed daily (6-8 glasses), but fruits and vegetables, which are very juicy, will also do a great job in your diet. And it will satisfy your body's needs for hydration. Such are cucumbers, watermelons, melons, tomatoes, plums and others.

what are the biggest myths about diets
what are the biggest myths about diets

Carbohydrates are harmful for weight loss

Carbohydrates in white bread and pastries are not your best friend when you follow a diet. But on the other hand, there are carbohydrates that you can enjoy at any time without remorse: fresh fruits and vegetables with nuts, dried fruits, potatoes, especially sweet (in combination with other vegetables, not meat or bread!), Barley, wheat and other cereals.

Vegetarian diets are poor in vitamin B12

When you fast or choose to follow a vegetarian diet, the first warning you receive is that you are at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, which is found mainly in meat, eggs and milk. In fact, there are other foods rich in this vitamin, such as fortified cereals, seaweed, borscht. This is one of the biggest myths about diets.

Bananas will prevent you from losing weight

You may have heard that eating a banana can be compared to eating a slice of white bread, but in fact, if you limit other harmful foods, your figure will not suffer from one fruit a day.
