Why You Need Power After Starvation

Why You Need Power After Starvation
Why You Need Power After Starvation

Denied or not, fasting has its followers. Proponents of curative starvation claim that it is a good way to cleanse the body and improve overall health. People who for one reason or another have gained extra pounds and want to regain their normal body weight in a short time often resort to starvation.

When starvation begins, some changes occur in the body. After the initial stress, which is actually starvation for our body, it begins to release intense toxins and cleanse itself. Because we do not give him calories to get energy, the body uses the reserves it has accumulated. In other words, it begins to melt fat. At the same time, their stomach and intestines are given the opportunity for complete rest.

However, when the hunger strike is over, these organs must resume their previous activities. The process needs to be done very carefully, because otherwise the risk of damaging your health is too great, and sometimes it can even be fatal. There have been cases in the past where distressed sailors have been deprived of food for a long time. After their rescue, they showed the imprudence to fill themselves to the brim, and this cost them their lives.

Therefore, after fasting is over, you should switch back to eating, but very carefully. The idea is to get a smooth transition between the period during which you did not eat and the restoration of a normal diet. The various nutrients are given to the body gradually, starting with the lightest.

It is especially harmful to eat meat or other difficult-to-digest foods immediately after the end of fasting, because the body may not be able to break them down. In any case, this would have serious consequences, and in the end it may turn out that instead of helping you, starvation has harmed you.
