Health Benefits Of Locust Bean

Health Benefits Of Locust Bean
Health Benefits Of Locust Bean

Rozhkov - an opportunity to try something new. The word comes from the Arabic word "kharrub", translated - "bean pods".

Locusts are trees that grow without any problems in extremely severe climatic conditions. They are resistant to drought and poor soil. Today, they are distributed throughout the Mediterranean, while years ago they were grown mainly in North Africa.

The edible pod of locust bean contains high amounts of sugar. When ripe, it is dried or baked. It is used to make flour, syrups, sugar, molasses and cocoa substitutes.

Locust pods are used as an alternative to chocolate. However, they are much more useful because they lack harmful compounds such as caffeine, theobromine and phenylethyls, which cause migraines and allergic reactions.

These ingredients are also toxic to dogs and cats. The tannins contained in it make it a wonderful remedy for acute diarrhea in children.

Carob contains a real bouquet of vitamins A, B, B1, B2, B3, B6, D. In addition, the pods are rich in trace elements calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese and 8% protein.

They contain large amounts of fiber and pectin, which help regulate metabolism and remove toxins from the body.

Locusts have a natural, soft and sweet taste. They are perfect for people allergic to chocolate and those who do not like it. In cooking locust bean is used powder as a cocoa substitute in every recipe.

Locust bean flour is rich in carbohydrates, sucrose, glucose and fructose. The fiber in its content lowers serum cholesterol.

From locust bean seeds The stabilizing agent E410-carobine is also produced, which is widely used in the food industry.

In addition, a gluten-like carotene-like protein complex is isolated from them. It is used to make bread dough with wonderful taste and, most importantly, gluten-free.

A healthier, chocolate alternative? It may look too good to be true! But with carob, chocolate lovers can eat the chocolate cake without remorse. The reason is that, as we said, locust bean is a substitute for chocolate and cocoa.

Locust bears fruit from a Mediterranean evergreen tree called Ceratonia siliqua, and the ancient Greeks were the first to cultivate the trees. Interestingly, it can take up to seven years, even to get the pods in which it is useful carob.

The pods contain small seeds and brown, edible pulp, with the pulp accounting for 90 percent of the pod. The use stems mainly from the low sugar content of locust bean, while offering a natural sweetness to the products.

Health benefits of locust bean

Locust candies
Locust candies

Weight loss

Replacing chocolate with locust bean can save you hundreds of calories, largely due to its low sugar and fat content.

Promotes heart health

For just two tablespoons of carob powder, you achieve an average of six percent of your total daily fiber needs. Getting enough fiber has been shown to lower cholesterol levels, ultimately reducing the risk of heart disease.

Promotes intestinal health

The use of locust bean can promote bowel regularity. In addition, the unique tannin content in locust bean is offered to prevent the development of harmful bacteria in the gut.

Manages blood sugar

Rozhkov is especially useful in the management of blood sugar, as it offers a sweet taste with less sugar than its commercially produced relative.

Maintains bone strength

Compared to chocolate, locust bean offers twice as much calcium. Adequate calcium intake is well known for its role in bone maintenance. Mix locust beans in milk for a healthy, calcium-rich version of chocolate milk, with no added sugars, which are most commonly found in chocolate syrups.

Rozhkov with diarrhea

Locust bean is effective in reducing the duration of diarrhea symptoms if taken with an oral rehydration solution.

Lowers cholesterol

Carob with a high fiber content is effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels. It also improves the ratio of HDL to LDL in the blood.

It has antidiabetic activity

Carob has the ability to lower insulin, which may be helpful in managing type 2 diabetes.

Contains antioxidants

Rozhkov flour
Rozhkov flour

Locust is believed to be rich in antioxidants. It is used to repair and prevent damage to cells by free radicals.

It has antifungal and antibacterial action

Powder made from locust beans and seeds is used as an antifungal, antibacterial agent in the treatment of wounds and other skin diseases.

It has an analgesic effect

Locust is also believed to relieve pain.

Carob can prevent anemia, treat coughs and flu.

Rozhkov is rich in phosphorus and calcium and is used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

Cooking with carob

Locust is available in a wide variety of forms, including locust bean powders, chips, syrups, extracts.

Locust bean powder is on the dried, edible pulp, ground to a powder. And it is used to replace chocolate in these sweet treats, including brownies, coconut bars and cookies.
