We Consume More And More Meat

We Consume More And More Meat
We Consume More And More Meat

According to a US study, over the past 50 years, humans have increased their consumption of meat and fat by 3 percent, which brings us closer to predators in the food chain.

The study looked at how people's eating habits have changed over time.

After summarizing the final results, experts concluded that increased meat consumption could lead to potential adverse effects on the environment.


The study measured the human trophic level - our place in the food chain in 176 countries. Data from 102 food types described by the US Food and Drug Administration were used.

The news that human trophic levels have jumped by 3% in the last 50 years was announced by study leader Sylvian Bonhomiu.

Researchers are trying to calculate trophic levels in order to better understand our place in the ecosystem as well as the human impact of the environment.

Many experts believe that meat production has a much greater impact on the environment than vegetable production.


Increased meat consumption is partly due to the fast-growing economies of China and India. It is believed that without China and India, meat consumption would have remained stable for the past 50 years.

After the growth of the economies in both countries, the diet of the residents there has changed radically, with people increasingly including a local product in their menu.

Contrary to this trend, data from the United Kingdom show that young people in the country have become more likely to avoid meat, with one in three people aged 18-24 being a vegetarian.

Commenting on the study, scientist Thomas Kastner said the difference of 3% may seem small, but the calculation itself clearly shows that people have sharply increased the consumption of meat and animal-based foods.

Increasing meat consumption can lead to serious environmental problems such as climate change, depletion of water and useful fuels.
