Age And Weight

Age And Weight
Age And Weight

People who lead a healthy lifestyle gain between ten and 65 years of age by about ten kilograms. According to statistics, this does not pose a risk to their health. But if you have gained 3 or more pounds in the last 5 years, be careful.

This may mean that you have a tendency to gain weight and this can place you in the group of people who have an increased risk of gaining weight over the years.

It's a good idea to change this if you haven't been particularly physically active so far. If you increase your muscle mass by only 2 kilograms, it will increase your metabolism by more than ten percent.

After the age of 25, both men and women begin to lose about 200 grams of muscle mass each year, which is replaced by fat.


Over time, the amount of calories the body burns decreases.

Every ten years, the amount of calories burned by the body decreases by 5 to 10%, ie, if we do not reduce the calories we eat daily, we will constantly gain weight.

According to various studies, over time, a woman's body type changes. The type of pear, ie thin waist and wide thighs, is replaced by the type of apple - wide waist. Once menopause occurs, this process begins to accelerate.

Gaining weight
Gaining weight

The reason for this is partly the reduced estrogen. However, taking hormonal pills will not reduce weight. In a woman's body, male hormones begin to predominate and over time, fat is redistributed in the middle part of the body, the so-called. male way.

Hypothyroidism is developed by 20% of women, and it is the basis of metabolism. Hypothyroidism is a decrease in thyroid function, begins to produce fewer hormones, slows down the metabolic process.

There is nothing scary or tragic about the fact that our weight changes over time, even if each of us is not prepared for it. It is more important to be prepared and have a sensible approach to this change so that we can successfully deal with it.
