Baked Apples Protect Against Overeating

Baked Apples Protect Against Overeating
Baked Apples Protect Against Overeating

The New Year holidays are over, and during the name days we do not stop overeating. This can become a way for us to eat throughout the year.

The passion for eating is similar to drug addiction, as the desire to eat constantly is formed in the same areas in the brain that are active in abstinence.

This is also the reason why overweight people cannot lose it, no matter how many new diets they try. But if we fight overeating before it starts, we can achieve some success. Before sitting at the delicious table, eat two baked apples with a teaspoon of sugar added.

The pectin contained in apples swells, and so lies to your stomach that you are almost full. There is no way to crowd if you think you are already full. To protect yourself from heartburn after eating too much food, drink alkaline mineral water while eating.


Mineral water is useful against overeating - before you sit at the table, drink two glasses and your stomach will be full. If you still overeat because you have not resisted the temptation this time, drink black elderberry tea, ginger, chamomile and mint.

After a festive or just a hearty dinner, go to bed, get a good night's sleep and eat only apples or citrus fruits in the morning. They have a relaxing effect on the digestive tract and will relieve you of the unpleasant feeling of heaviness.

Drink more fluids while eating, so you will fill your stomach and you will not have to overeat. Emphasize vegetables and meat, and for dessert choose fruits without the addition of cream and sweet toppings for decoration.
