Three-day Diet For A Flat Stomach

Three-day Diet For A Flat Stomach
Three-day Diet For A Flat Stomach

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Every woman wants to be irresistible. There are always a few extra pounds that bother you, and the worst thing is that they are mostly visible on the abdomen.

That's why we offer you a very quick and easy way to get in shape in just three days.

Every day of the diet you should eat 6 servings of cereals, of which at least 100 grams should be whole grains - to be able to get healthy fiber.

The daily menu also includes 3 cups of milk or the same amount of dairy products, 2-3 cups of fruits and the same amount of vegetables.

The three-day diet also includes lean protein and healthy unsaturated fats, which should make up about 25-35 percent of total caloric intake. These are found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, avocados and many others.

First day

Breakfast: 1 cup boiled oatmeal soaked in 250 ml low-fat milk, 1 cup pitted fruit (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.), almonds.

Lunch: 100 g roasted salmon and 1 cup cooked asparagus with 1 cup rice. For dessert - 250 ml of low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: Spinach salad with 100 g tender chicken breasts, 200 g orange, 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds and 100 g cucumbers. Season the salad with rapeseed oil or olive oil, a little soy sauce and vinegar.

Second day

Breakfast: toasted slices of wholemeal bread with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and sliced banana, a glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch: sandwich made of two slices of wholemeal bread with lettuce, tomatoes and 60 g of unsalted ham. At the end of the lunch meal you can afford a small dessert - chocolate chip cookie.

Dinner: salad with 120 g of hard tofu, 1/2 cup mushrooms, peas, carrots and red onions, flavored with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Third day

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese mixed with 1 cup of pineapple slices and two toasted slices of wholemeal bread.

Lunch: 1 cup wholemeal pasta prepared with 60 grams of roasted chicken, chopped red peppers and red onion with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and soy sauce. For dessert you can enjoy a bunch of grapes or other fruit.

Dinner: 120 grams of steak (beef or chicken), grilled, and the garnish can be medium sweet potatoes and 1 cup of stewed zucchini. For dessert - wholemeal biscuits.
