30 Minutes For A Flat Stomach

30 Minutes For A Flat Stomach
30 Minutes For A Flat Stomach

As much as you want to have a tight and flat stomach, the desire will not make it so. It takes effort, but not as much as some people try to make us believe. You do not need any equipment or a special set of exercises in the gym.

All you need is 30 minutes for a flat stomach. These 30 minutes are used for aerobic exercise. Do this five days a week and reduce the amount of calories you consume a little and enjoy the effect.

What you need to do to have a flat stomach is:

- Exercises 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week

- Burn more calories than you take

Why aerobic exercise?

Aerobic exercise, also known as cardio, burns energy. When you eat, the calories you take in turn into fuel for that energy. When consuming more of this fuel, the body carefully stores the unused parts of it in the form of fat. It takes time to burn these unnecessary fats, just as it takes time to accumulate in the right places.

Some of the aerobic exercises are:


- Dancing

- Cycling

- Skiing

- Climbing stairs

- Swimming

- Running

Reduce calories

Learning to consume the right amount of calories requires additional training. Let's say we planned to eat about 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day, but we go out for lunch and order a small cheeseburger, small fries, and a small diet car. Virtually everything is small, but not by looking at calories. A small cheeseburger contains 300 calories, potatoes another 248. Learn to feel exactly how much fuel to take and then every choice will be good.

Promotion tips

Weight loss
Weight loss

It's easy to get discouraged when you're trying to lose weight. Instead of focusing on failure, focus on the 30 minutes for a flat stomach. Set achievable goals. If you decide to lose 4-5 pounds in one week, your goal will be unattainable and you will be doomed to failure. So let your goal be 30 minutes for a flat stomach, five days a week. Other useful tips are:

- Measure yourself instead of weighing yourself - measure your waist before you start exercising, and every six weeks;

- Keep a food diary;

- Reward yourself after six weeks with a pedicure or massage;

- Drink plenty of water;

- When running, tighten the abdominal muscles and count to ten, relax and count to ten again, repeat this all the time.

Find a friend

If you have several consecutive failures in weight loss and proper nutrition, do not despair, but find a friend who has the same goal. Arrange classes when you can both do the exercises and support each other.
