Unloading Mode After The Festive Meal

Unloading Mode After The Festive Meal
Unloading Mode After The Festive Meal

After the holidays, most people imperceptibly pick up one or another ring - a bite of it, just one more of the other, and on the first working day of the year we find that jeans support us a lot.

The endless lazy hours at the table during the holidays or a complete rest in front of the TV inevitably affect our figures. Instead of regretting how much you pampered yourself on these holidays, take steps to unload.

It will take you about a month to get back in shape - the most important thing during this period is to eat sensibly and not overeat. Stop indiscriminately consuming sweet and salty calorie bombs.

In order to be able to get in shape quickly, it is best to start your unloading mode after St. Ivan's Day. The holidays are over, so there will be no more tables full of food.

According to studies conducted in the United States and the United Kingdom, people gain between 700 grams and 3 kilograms after the Christmas holidays. The first day of the unloading regime should include only teas, water and if you are hungry - fruit. You can eat in the next few days, but there are a few important rules:

- Do not overdo the amount of food per meal;


- It is best to eat often so as not to starve;

- Choose light foods that will saturate you at the same time and at the same time will not affect the waist;

- Drink plenty of water and forget about soft drinks;

- Add to your menu more fruits and vegetables - emphasize lentils, peas, and meat - chicken and fish;

Unloading mode
Unloading mode

- Do not consume confectionery, flour;

- Reduce the dose for the day by one third.

The most important thing to get in shape is to set a realistic goal to follow - if you have gained up to three pounds, you can easily get rid of them in a month.

In addition, it is important to choose foods that will bring important substances to the body - semi-finished products and similar packaged goods are not recommended.

The most difficult stage after a hearty meal during the holidays are the first few days of the unloading regime. After them, the body gets used to it and you will not even think about whether to buy a product or not.
