Can I Drink Water After A Meal

Can I Drink Water After A Meal
Can I Drink Water After A Meal

Many people claim that the water they drink during or immediately after a meal literally washes the food out of the stomach, making it harder to digest.

It is also believed that water, tested during or immediately after a meal, dilutes gastric juice and thus also interferes with the absorption of food.

Recent research in this area, however, indicates that water can be drunk during and after a meal, without affecting the absorption of food.

However, the stomach is not just a leather bag where all the food is poured, stirred and continues on its way. The process of digestion is much more complicated.

There are special folds in the stomach. Through these folds, the water quickly reaches the duodenum and leaves the stomach very quickly. At the same time, water does not mix with gastric juice at all.

Drinking Water
Drinking Water

For this reason, it does not matter at all when exactly you will drink water. In any case, the water will not be able to dilute enough gastric juice.

Think logically - if the water interfered with digestion, any soup you consumed would have a bad effect on the process of digestion.

Moreover, according to all healthy canons, soup should be eaten at least once a day. Exactly the lack of liquid food is the cause of many stomach problems. However, there are some subtleties in drinking water during a meal.

For example, you should not drink cold water. This makes the stomach literally push out the food, and instead of staying in it for the required time, it stays for only twenty minutes. This leads to processes of putrefaction of food in the intestines, because the digestive process has not taken place.

Therefore, when you drink water during or after a meal, it should be at room temperature. Otherwise, the proteins will not break down into amino acids and will simply rot in your gut.

The same goes for ice cream - if you eat it for dessert, it should be slightly melted, otherwise it will push undigested food out of your stomach.
