Diet To Reduce Subcutaneous Fat

Diet To Reduce Subcutaneous Fat
Diet To Reduce Subcutaneous Fat

/ undefined To lose weight at the expense of subcutaneous adipose tissueand not at the expense of water and muscle, you need to eat and exercise. It is important to understand that burning fat is a long process that requires discipline and consistency. And as much as we want to lose weight fast, it is not possible to deceive the body, but rather to easily harm it.

Many people make the first and very important mistake in their diet - they significantly reduce food intake and switch to low-calorie meals and at the same time fail to spend days starving.

To get started to burn fat, it is enough to reduce the usual ration to 300 kcal and add physical activity. In fact, ideal for women who want to burn the maximum amount of fat in the shortest possible time, is considered to be a deficit of 300 calories. So forget about a low-calorie diet. When you reduce your diet by 300 calories (for women) and 400 calories (for men), you can keep your metabolic rate high enough by continuing to burn fat fast. In addition, you need enough energy to withstand increased physical activity and at the same time feel good.

Tips for proper nutrition to burn subcutaneous fat and maintain muscle mass

- Do not reduce the caloric content of your diet by more than 15% and do not starve;

- Choose the right number of dishes, but try not to allow long breaks between them, so as not to cause overeating;

- Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, in small doses, but throughout the day;

- Eat complex carbohydrates and fiber instead of simple carbohydrates and sugar and be sure to eat at least 1-2 grams of protein per day per 1 kg of body weight;

Fiber and complex carbohydrates to reduce subcutaneous fat
Fiber and complex carbohydrates to reduce subcutaneous fat

- Don't forget to have breakfast, because the first meal sets the tone for the whole day. In addition, breakfast reduces the risk of overeating during the day;

- Take daily vitamins and omega-3 and 6 fatty acids;

- For weight loss it is important to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

This means proper nutrition and the most important aspect of fat burning. In addition, it is important to conduct training aimed at burning subcutaneous fat and increase muscle mass. Physical activity is important for weight loss, but exercise will not help if the diet is not correct. Training alone is not enough to burn fat, you need exercise throughout the day.

The components of physical activity for burning fat are:

- Anaerobic exercises to prevent muscle loss - optimal performance of 3-4 workouts per week;

- Aerobic training to improve aerobic endurance and fat loss - conducted 20-30 minutes after strength training, and for the day itself from 40-60 minutes;

- Household activities to increase calorie burning;

Fat Burning Training Tips

Cardio to reduce subcutaneous fat
Cardio to reduce subcutaneous fat

- Do strength exercises 3 times a week;

- Work on training the muscles of the whole body;

- Do aerobics after strength training or on different days, but leave 1-2 days a week for complete rest of both components;

- Add cardio to the specified norms, gradually. This will maintain a little training stress, which will allow your body to burn more calories;

- Your body gets used to the loads, so try to exceed yourself with each workout;

- The duration of strength training should not exceed 60 minutes. After the first hour of training, its effectiveness decreases, concentration deteriorates and the risk of injury increases;

- Always control the technique of the exercises. Proper technique is much more important than barbell weight and speed;

By following these recommendations, you can get rid of extra pounds in the form of subcutaneous fat and strengthen muscle mass.
