Effective Weekly Diets

Effective Weekly Diets
Effective Weekly Diets

You can get rid of extra pounds in just one week. With the help of a fairly strict diet you can lose six pounds a week.

It requires the consumption of only fruits and vegetables throughout the week. You should take a warm bath every day, this will enhance the effect of the diet.

One cup of unsweetened coffee or tea and one apple are consumed for breakfast. Lunch is mashed potatoes, a vegetable salad flavored with a little olive oil and lemon juice, and a banana for dessert.

Dinner is a large vegetable salad with lemon juice and olive oil. Dessert is a fruit of your choice or a handful of dried fruit.

Effective weekly diets
Effective weekly diets

The buckwheat diet can make you lose seven kilograms in one week. You can eat buckwheat in unlimited quantities. To prepare the buckwheat, one cup of the beans is poured with two cups of boiling water. Cover with a lid, wrap in a towel and leave to simmer for ten hours.

The addition of salt, sugar and spices is not allowed. During the diet, drink only water, it is permissible to drink one or two coffees a day, without sugar.

If you feel a serious need for jam, drink a glass of warm water in which you have dissolved a teaspoon of honey. You can also eat one apple a day.

The first meal of the day is after waking up, the last - at 18 hours. The buckwheat diet can be repeated only after a month. Buckwheat is rich in many useful substances - B vitamins, vitamin P and vitamin PP, it contains protein and very few carbohydrates. People who suffer from diabetes and hypertension cannot follow this diet.

A special slimming diet with yogurt and vegetables makes you lose 6 kilograms a week. Breakfast is the same every day: coffee or tea without sugar, a wholemeal slice and a piece of cheese. The afternoon breakfast on all days is fresh or dried fruit.

There is a difference only in lunch and dinner. The first day lunch is a bowl of muesli without sugar, supplemented with a little yogurt. Dinner is a large vegetable salad and two glasses of fruit juice.

The second day is with lunch, which consists of a plate of stewed vegetables, and dinner is 100 grams of boiled chicken breast and one boiled egg and two glasses of fruit juice.

On the third day, have lunch with 100 grams of boiled beef and two bananas, sliced and mixed with a glass of yogurt. Dinner is mashed potatoes and two glasses of tomato juice. The fourth day is with the menu of the first.

On the fifth day, lunch is 100 grams of boiled chicken breast and a glass of kefir. Dinner is a large salad with one egg and two glasses of orange juice.

On the sixth day, 100 grams of cottage cheese and a large vegetable salad are consumed at lunch, dinner is a fruit salad of sliced fruit of your choice. On the seventh day the lunch from the second day is repeated, the dinner is 3 bananas and one glass of apple juice.
