You Are In A Hurry To Lose Weight For The Sea! Try The Express Diet With Yogurt

You Are In A Hurry To Lose Weight For The Sea! Try The Express Diet With Yogurt
You Are In A Hurry To Lose Weight For The Sea! Try The Express Diet With Yogurt

There are less than a week left until your long-awaited summer vacation. You have already thought to the smallest detail what you will take with you, you have started packing your luggage and in the midst of your hectic preparation the most terrible thing is happening…

You try on your last year's swimsuit and find that you have lost shape. You want to fit in, but you don't have much time. There are two options - to look for new beachwear or to try a diet for fast weight loss.

For those who prefer the second option, today we will offer the express yogurt diet. With it you can lose 3 kg in 4 days without the painful feeling of hunger.

The diet is simple and does not require cooking special foods. You just have to follow its basic principles.

Slice with butter
Slice with butter

During the four days for breakfast, eat 1 toasted slice with butter. Then on each of the days you have the right to consume up to 800 g of yogurt. You decide whether to dilute it with water and make kefir, or eat it. It is important not to sweeten or season it with salt.


Notes: During the diet you can drink coffee in the morning, but it should not be sweetened or diluted with milk, cream or other.

The diet should not be done by people with sensitive stomachs, chronic diseases, as well as by people with intolerance to dairy products.
