White Thorn Flour

White Thorn Flour
White Thorn Flour

I think very few people know, or at least those who eat healthy and use organic products, that milk thistle has many beneficial properties and helps our body. In this article you will find out what these benefits are and why exactly we use milk thistle flour instead of usual.

White thorn has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on our body. Most often, milk thistle is used to detoxify the body and fights liver disease and bile problems.

This type of thorn grows and is grown mostly in America, but can also be grown in countries where it is warmer. This type of herb has been used for 2,000 years.

Milk thistle helps to improve digestion by forming enzymes. Milk thistle helps with damage caused by free radicals. It is also useful in the fight against aging. Milk thistle helps prevent cancer, lowers high cholesterol, helps control blood sugar in diabetes, and can also prevent this disease.

Advantages of milk thistle flour

Milk thistle flour is made from seeds that are ground in a stone mill, which contain the most important beneficial properties and substances of the herb. The flour from this herb is in many ways superior to other types of flour. It contains a large part of the active fat components and dietary fiber.

Milk thistle flour
Milk thistle flour

The use of milk thistle flour replenishes a large supply of plant proteins, fiber and essential acids.

Composition of milk thistle flour

- fiber - 22%; protein - 21%; fat - 8%; 899 calories per 100 g of product.

It also contains omega-3 and 6, essential fatty acids that can only be obtained through food. Vitamins such as A, B, C, D, E, F, K are also part of composition of milk thistle flour. It also contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, selenium.

Benefits of blackthorn flour

In some countries with therapy in the treatment of liver disease, doctors recommend taking drugs made from milk thistle. If you add milk thistle flour to the menu you will certainly get one of the following benefits:

- Protects the body from the effects of bad ecology and significantly reduces the degree of damage to liver cells from various types of toxins, as well as chemical, alcoholic and medical;

- Milk thistle flour neutralizes free radicals and interferes with the destructive processes of perosicdation;

- Fights excess cholesterol;

- Fights pimples as well as skin rashes.

1 to 3 tablespoons can be taken from flour mixed with water, yogurt, juice, honey or other type of sweetener, because the flour itself has a bitter taste.

Milk thistle flour does not contain gluten and can be added to various types of dishes, breads, biscuits and other types of pastries.

If you accept milk thistle flour in the morning, it helps to limit the growth of tumor cells, helps in the fight against breast cancer, helps in the fight against Alzheimer's, helps in the normal functioning of the kidneys and in pain during menstruation.

See more about the benefits and uses of milk thistle oil.
