Health Benefits Of Brussels Sprouts

Video: Health Benefits Of Brussels Sprouts

Video: Health Benefits Of Brussels Sprouts
Video: 5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Brussels Sprouts 2024, December
Health Benefits Of Brussels Sprouts
Health Benefits Of Brussels Sprouts

The homeland of Brussels sprouts is Europe, but it is widespread throughout the world. Its fruits, resembling mini cabbages, are an extremely popular food.

The slightly unpleasant taste of Brussels sprouts, like other cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and kale, is due to the many antioxidants, minerals and vitamins it contains.

But although it acts in this way on our taste buds, Brussels sprouts has a significant and beneficial effect on the rest of the body.

Usually, miniature cabbage is stewed or boiled, then added to meat dishes. With only half a glass of it we get 20 basic vitamins - 48 mg of vitamin C, many B vitamins, vitamin A and others. One of their main functions is to help our retinas distinguish color.

Other elements contained in Brussels sprouts, such as the carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein, help filter light so that our retinas are not exposed to ultraviolet rays. This makes this vegetable a must-have food for adolescent children and people with deteriorating or already deteriorating vision.

Health benefits of Brussels sprouts
Health benefits of Brussels sprouts

Another beneficial element that brings us the consumption of Brussels sprouts are fiber. Of the 6 grams of carbohydrates per serving, two of them are dietary fiber. They have a laxative effect, reduce blood cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular disease, protect against type 2 diabetes.

Brussels sprouts enjoy high levels of glucosinolates. They belong to a group of phytochemicals called isothiocyanates and help remove cancer cells from the body.

In addition, they help clear potential carcinogens from the body. Their cancer-fighting properties are best preserved when steamed or fried.

Another health benefit of Brussels sprouts is its role in blood clotting. The vitamin K it contains is often applied to the skin to speed up healing or to reduce swelling and rupture.

There are a number of culinary tricks to disguising the taste of Brussels sprouts. It can be stewed in broth, drizzled with olive oil or used as a garnish. It is also a wonderful addition to your winter pickle or cruciferous salad.
