Onions Cleanse The Brain

Onions Cleanse The Brain
Onions Cleanse The Brain

Onions have the unique ability to clear brain cells, Japanese scientists have discovered. According to them, onions not only cleanse the cells, but also slow down the aging process.

According to recent research, onions contain extremely active sulfur compounds, which are very easily absorbed by the body. Once in the bloodstream, they have a positive effect on a number of key areas of the brain.

In this way, the substances released from onions have a beneficial effect on the human body. They activate and rejuvenate the cells in the brain that are responsible for memory and emotions.

French scientists have found that if a woman regularly uses onions and garlic in her diet, it reduces the risk of breast cancer. Therefore, ladies should think twice before giving up onions and garlic in their diet, just because they do not like their aroma.


Onions have many useful properties that have a good effect on the human body in various problems. For example, when stretching the muscle ligaments, you need to peel an onion, chop it finely and mix it with a little sugar.

Pour a thick layer of the mixture on a piece of cloth, put on the sore spot and bandage. Change once a day. Onions are an indispensable helper in the fight against persistent cough.

Peeled onions are grated on a grater and mixed with fat. It is best to be goose fat, but in the absence of other fresh animal fat. This mixture is rubbed into the chest and neck and tied with a warm towel.

In the morning, this mixture is consumed on an empty stomach - one tablespoon. Onions are also useful for hair growth. Mix one part cognac, four parts strained onion juice, six parts decoction of burdock roots.

Roasted onions
Roasted onions

Rub this decoction into the scalp. Cover your head with a towel and wash after two hours. Do this mask on your hair every week and you will be surprised by the effect in just a month.

For the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis is useful to eat every day a tablespoon of a mixture of equal parts of freshly chopped onions and honey. For colds is useful freshly squeezed onion juice in equal parts with honey - one tablespoon three times a day.

However, this is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach with high acidity, in diseases of the heart and liver. When bitten by an insect, immediately cut one onion in half and tie the wet part to the bitten area.
