One-day Diet To Cleanse The Stomach

One-day Diet To Cleanse The Stomach
One-day Diet To Cleanse The Stomach

The warm months are best suited for cleansing the body of toxins. The main reason is that it is during hot weather that a person is prone to consuming more fluids, which is important for detoxification.

The other reason is that in the heat a person does not feel particularly hungry and can more easily cleanse his stomach with a fast diet without feeling these days infinitely long. And since the diet for detoxification of your body is a painful period, we offer you a regime that lasts only a day and will successfully clear your stomach of everything unnecessary.

This detoxifying regime is different - the main drink in it is prepared with rye bread. You need about 200 grams of bread - cut it into cubes and put it in a deep bowl. Fill the cubes of fresh bread with a liter of boiling water and close them with a lid.

The bread is left in the liquid between 10 and 12 hours. Then you need to strain this mixture - use several layers of cheesecloth for this purpose. Your main drink is prepared, and here is the overall regimen for the day:

- After waking up, drink a cup of green tea - without sweetening it. You can eat an apple after 8 o'clock, drink a glass of rye bread drink. An hour later you can mix a glass of the drink made from rye bread and a glass of grape juice. At 10 o'clock drink 2 cups of green tea, again without sweetening it.

Rye bread
Rye bread

After an hour you can drink again a glass of the mixture with grape juice and the liquid prepared from rye bread. For lunch, in addition to the drink, you can eat 100 g of grapes, and after that you should not consume anything until 3 p.m. Then again it is time for two cups of green tea, an hour later make a mixture of ½ cup of carrot juice and a mixture of rye bread. At 5 pm drink a glass of mineral water, and at 6 pm - eat three raw peppers.

After about an hour, drink half a glass of the bread mixture mixed with the same amount of apple or pear juice. If you wish, drink a cup of green tea shortly before bedtime, which is not very strong, as it can cheer you up.
