That's Why You Shouldn't Overdo It With Chocolate

That's Why You Shouldn't Overdo It With Chocolate
That's Why You Shouldn't Overdo It With Chocolate

Chocolate can be consumed as a confectionery, to decorate desserts, a sweetener for hot drinks. Due to the large amounts of antioxidants in dark chocolate, it can be said that chocolate is good for health. But excessive consumption can lead to side effects and reactions.

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. One of the most characteristic properties of chocolate is that it contains a large amount of calories and sugar. Therefore, people who follow a healthy diet should remove chocolate from their list. Otherwise, the excess calories taken with chocolate can lead to health problems, cause weight gain.

Every type of chocolate contains sugar and fat, especially milk chocolates. They contain more sugar and fat. In addition, chocolate contains caffeine, which can harm the body.

It is already known that chocolate is high in calories.

Excessive consumption of other high-calorie foods can lead to weight gain. The consequences of this can be quite unpleasant and undesirable. For example: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure.

A standard 43 gram chocolate contains an average of 210 calories, 13 grams of fat and 24 grams of sugar.

Sugar is generally considered to be harmful to human health, especially when consumed in excess. In addition to causing many diseases, it can also worsen the condition of existing ones.

Loss of tooth enamel or caries are one of the most common conditions if you overdo it with chocolate. From there, digestive problems will follow. Excess glucose carries with it the risk of diabetes.


Chocolate can also cause heartburn. Acidic foods can worsen the condition of people suffering from ulcers, reflux, stomach acid. For example, gastroesophageal reflux disease can be triggered by acidic foods such as chocolate. This disease is the presence of stomach acid in the stomach and other materials in the esophagus. The symptoms are something like burning in the chest.

As you already know, chocolate also contains caffeine. Its intake stimulates the central nervous system. Therefore, eating a piece of chocolate helps you stay fresh and in shape during the day. But caffeine has no nutritional value.

If you overdo it with foods that contain caffeine, such as chocolate, the result is anxiety, depression, sleep problems, fatigue, chills, nausea and vomiting. Particular care should be taken with milk and dark chocolates.

Pregnant women should be especially careful when consuming chocolate, as caffeine can be passed on to the baby in the womb, and in breastfeeding women - it can harm through breast milk.

Chocolate contains a large amount of potassium. Sufferers of kidney disease should be especially careful with the accumulation of potassium in the body. The average potassium intake per day should not exceed 200 ml. But if you have potassium deficiency, chocolate can't hurt you.
