Calories In Alcohol

Calories In Alcohol
Calories In Alcohol

Alcohol is high in calories if drunk in large quantities. Like anything that is overdone, alcohol is very harmful if abused.

There is no alcoholic beverage that is not caloric, and a lot of it. Even if you drink small amounts of alcohol, if you drink daily, it will prevent you from losing weight or the regime you follow.

If you want to eat healthy, you need to stop drinking alcohol completely, at least for a while.

It doesn't matter what kind of alcohol you drink - whether it's whiskey, vodka, brandy, wine or beer. Each of these alcohols has a different caloric content:

1. The most caloric are liqueur and vermouth - about 160 calories for 50 ml of liqueur and 100 ml of vermouth

2. The next highest calorie drink is beer. There are 150 calories in 350 ml of the bitter drink.

3. Light beer, champagne, gin and scotch rank next with the already relatively modest 100 - 110 calories for 350 ml of beer, 150 ml of champagne and 50 for gin and scotch.

Drunk Man
Drunk Man

4. 50 ml of exam rum, vodka or brandy will bring you about 90 - 100 calories.

Mixed drinks such as gin and tonic or Margarita are more caloric than even a small liqueur. One cocktail of the above will "decorate" you with about 180 calories.

The lowest calorie are non-alcoholic beer and non-alcoholic wine - for drinking 10 - 30 calories.

The problem with alcohol is in the way the drink is broken down in the body. Alcohol is broken down into a substance called acetate.

It slows down the metabolism as well as the breakdown of fats. Alcohol is also extremely harmful to the liver, because after taking it, most of the drink is processed there.

If you use in moderation and from time to time - it will not hurt you. Be responsible for your health and body.
