Avocados Have Proven To Be The Best Anti-obesity Food

Avocados Have Proven To Be The Best Anti-obesity Food
Avocados Have Proven To Be The Best Anti-obesity Food

Obesity is one of the modern phenomena with very serious consequences for health. That is why the fight against it is being waged constantly and by all means.

It turns out that nature has given us an effective, easy to use and tasty tool in the fight against this unpleasant and dangerous condition. This is the tropical fruit avocado.

According to a study by researchers at the University of California, conducted among 55,000 men and women over the age of 30 and over an 11-year study, consuming one avocado a day after the onset of middle age can save us from the problem of obesity.

The study found that people who ate one piece of tropical fruit a day were less at risk of obesity over the next decade.

The volunteers who took part in the survey had to answer a question about how often they included avocados in their menu and how much they weighed. It turned out that those in the survey who ate at least a quarter of the fruit per day had a lower risk of being overweight than the others.

What is an avocado and what makes it such a good remedy against excess weight?


The fruit of the tropical tree, which we call an avocado, weighs 150 to 250 grams and is a wonderful vitamin bomb. It contains vitamins A, C, E, K and most protein of all other fruits. The iron content is high and is therefore recommended for anemia. It contains other trace elements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper.

One fruit has about 160 calories. Fatty monounsaturated acids, fiber, oleic acid are the constituent nutrients that make it such a valuable food product.

Avocado oil is one of the most suitable fats for cooking, as it is very resistant to oxidation at high temperatures.

All this makes the fruit one of the super foods that help us deal with many health problems, as well as to balance our diet.

The avocado is a caloric fruit that helps to lose weight and this fact needs to be known by anyone who seeks to get rid of extra pounds.
