Interesting Facts About Caffeine

Interesting Facts About Caffeine
Interesting Facts About Caffeine

Caffeine is a natural alkaloid that plants need to protect themselves from pests. A person can consume caffeine without much harm to his health.

Caffeine was first isolated from coffee in 1820. Since then, it has become a favorite of many people who consume it in beverages, and for some it is useful as a medicine.

The chemical name of caffeine is trimethylxanthyl. It is a natural alkaloid in over sixty plants. It is most common in coffee beans, tea leaves and guarana fruits, as well as in mate tea leaves.

Americans drink the most coffee - over ninety percent of Americans over the age of eighteen admit to drinking coffee every day.


Caffeine is extracted under pressure from plants in powder form. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, thus disrupting sleep.

Caffeine temporarily increases the ability to perceive, and also increases mental abilities, learning, memory, reflexes and clarity of thought.

Caffeine affects some parts of the brain in the same way as some drugs. The negative consequences of caffeine use are mostly insomnia, because the brain is overexcited.

Caffeine acts as a diuretic, and for some people - as a laxative, as it speeds up digestive processes. Caffeine is absorbed in about an hour and lasts for three hours.

Caffeine increases the level of dopamine - one of the hormones of happiness, thus causing a feeling of vitality. An espresso contains 90 to 200 milligrams of caffeine. One cup of green tea contains thirty milligrams of caffeine.
