Which Foods Cause Stomach Problems?

Which Foods Cause Stomach Problems?
Which Foods Cause Stomach Problems?

No matter how successful your day is, if you experience bloating and gas - common side effects of upset stomach - it's really hard to keep a smile on your face. Unfortunately, many different foods can be to blame for stomach problems and the discomfort associated with this.

Here are the foods you should avoid to keep your condition from getting worse:

Artificial sweeteners and sugar-free products

One study found that when people consumed artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose and saccharin, they altered the intestinal bacteria that control metabolism. This can lead to a number of gastrointestinal problems, including an increased tendency to turn food into fat.

Also avoid sweets and chewing gum, as sorbitol, maltitol, xylitol and other sugar alcohols are often added to these products, which can cause bloating, gas or laxative effects when consumed in excessive amounts. In addition, chewing gum stimulates the stomach to release acids that your body does not need, which can contribute to the development of stomach ulcers.

Coffee and carbonated drinks

coffee irritates the stomach
coffee irritates the stomach

The coffee irritates the stomach, especially if consumed on an empty stomach. In addition, caffeine speeds up the digestive tract and can cause diarrhea. The fact that caffeine is also a diuretic also means that it can lead to dehydration and even nausea. What's more, the invigorating drink causes the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid, which can cause heartburn and indigestion. So, if you feel that something is wrong with your gastrointestinal tract after drinking coffee, you better forget it or, as a last resort, limit it to a cup a day.

Stomach discomfort can be caused by drinking soda, so keep it to a minimum. As well as alcohol intake. He is not only the weight of our liver, but also the enemy of the stomach. Excessive use of alcohol irritates the lining of the stomach and causes gas or a disorder alternating with constipation.

Fatty and fried foods

Fried foods, in addition to being unhealthy, are also harmful to the stomach. This is especially true for the fat, as both types require more time to digest. In addition, they can lead to diarrhea or vice versa - to bloating and constipation. On the plus side, we can say that they are very high in calories and gain weight.

Citrus fruits

citrus fruits cause stomach problems
citrus fruits cause stomach problems

Sour foods such as tomato juice, as well as citrus fruits - lemons, oranges, grapefruits, etc., contain acid and can cause stomach problems. This is because they irritate the lining of the stomach, leading to heartburn or reflux. If your stomach is tense, it is better to replace them with apple puree or bananas.

Spicy foods

If you are a fan of hotness, our advice is to limit it, as it irritates the inside of the esophagus and can cause heartburn. The same thing happens when you eat onions and garlic. Although an integral part of Bulgarian cuisine, do not consume them too often, because they are not well absorbed in the small intestine, cause many problems such as gas, bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea or constipation.


Gluten can be one of the most common culprits when it comes to devastation of the digestive system. Whether you have celiac disease or not, Harvard Medical School says more and more people can't digest gluten. If you find that your stomach swells, you have pain, gas or diarrhea after eating foods such as bread and pasta, then the culprit is definitely wheat.

Dairy products

milk sometimes irritates the stomach
milk sometimes irritates the stomach

Dairy products are difficult to digest foods. If you have a lactose problem, eating ice cream can cause stomach discomfort, gas or diarrhea. If you suffer from lactose intolerance, also avoid soft cheeses and milk. Otherwise, stomach discomfort is guaranteed. However, in case of digestive problems, you can eat hard cheeses and low-fat yogurt, as they have a beneficial effect on the intestines, improving the natural flora in the gastrointestinal tract.

Broccoli and raw cabbage

Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, are undoubtedly very useful, but they contain complex sugars that can create gas in the intestines and bloating and heaviness in the abdomen. To avoid this discomfort, it is advisable to limit the consumption of these vegetables or at least blanch them slightly before eating.

Raw foods

Bacteria in raw animal products can cause food poisoning. Therefore, take appropriate precautions when handling perishable foods such as raw meat, poultry, eggs and seafood. Remember to cook food to appropriate temperatures to kill bacteria and do not leave them uncooled for more than two hours to prevent bacteria from growing.

And if spending the whole night in the bathroom due to food poisoning is not a sufficient warning, keep in mind that harmful bacteria such as Escherichia coli and salmonella can potentially be life-threatening, so play it safe and avoid expired foods.
