Milk - A Fighting Arsenal Against Disease

Milk - A Fighting Arsenal Against Disease
Milk - A Fighting Arsenal Against Disease

Maybe each of you, walking through fashion boutiques or browsing glossy magazines, wanted the perfect body of models and mannequins. And you have repeatedly reminded yourself that for this purpose you should take only healthy and wholesome food. For example - yogurt.

Here's a little history of yogurt. According to one version, the milk originated from the ancient nomadic tribes, who stored the milk in jars of sheepskin and goat skins, which were not hermetically sealed. And having contact with various microorganisms that fell into the jars outside, the milk turned sour.

Another theory about the origin of yogurt is related to the Thracians. Ancient Thrace had fertile soil, rich vegetation and lush pastures. Because of all this, flourishing sheep breeding developed. The main Thracian domestic animal was the sheep.


The Thracians noticed that sour milk was preserved longer than fresh milk. By adding sour milk to freshly boiled milk, they obtained a product known as sour milk or "sour milk".

However, the birthplace of modern yogurt is considered the Balkan countries and especially Bulgaria. In our country for many centuries the technology for production of yoghurt, which in the West is called yogurt, has been improved.

Most yogurt is consumed in France. According to statistics, the French consume up to 14.5 kilograms of yogurt in one year. The average German eats about 14 kg, and the Swede - 13.5. The Russians are the lowest consumers of milk with only 2.5 kilograms per year.

Yogurt with walnuts
Yogurt with walnuts

Yogurt contains a whole arsenal of valuable substances and microorganisms: proteins, fats (triglycerides), carbohydrates (lactose, etc.), minerals (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorides), vitamins (A, group B etc.).

Yogurt has an immunostimulating effect. It is an effective remedy against diarrhea, constipation and other gastrointestinal diseases. Helps with headaches, eliminates hangovers. And Bulgarian yogurt contributes to the slower aging of the body.

Fruits that are added to yogurt are usually canned or frozen. This is necessary because the fruit acids contained in fresh fruit do not "get along" well with milk.

The shelf life of yogurt is 3-14 days.
