Nutrition Determines The Quality Of Sleep

Nutrition Determines The Quality Of Sleep
Nutrition Determines The Quality Of Sleep

If you are one of those people who find it difficult to fall asleep and turn in bed for a long time, and often do not have the strength to get up in the morning, you probably need to change the regime.

Stress at work and our whole daily life, fatigue, constant mental strain are just some of the reasons why you fail to sleep well.

A study evaluated eating habits and sleep duration in more than 4,500 people. The study found that people with different sleep durations had different eating habits. The participants in the study were grouped into four groups:

- Long sleep, which is more than nine hours;

- Normal sleep, for which the rest is taken between 7 and 8 hours;


- Short sleep - between 5 and 6 hours;

- Very short sleep that lasts less than 5 hours.

Research shows that people in the first group eat the fewest calories. Their menu contains less carbohydrates, choline and theobromine, which is contained in chocolate. In addition, people in this group consume more alcohol than others.

The group that has normal sleep eats extremely varied compared to the other groups. They also live healthier lives than the other participants.

People who have short sleep take in the most calories from the four groups and drink less fluids. In addition, their diet does not contain enough vitamin C and selenium. People in this group consume larger amounts of foods containing lutein and zeaxanthin.


People in the latter group have the least variety in their diet. They consume very little fluids, as well as carbohydrates and lycopene, which is found in fruits and vegetables.

Researchers believe that this information can be very useful and be a starting point for future research. These data can be helpful in understanding the complex relationship between nutrition and good sleep, as well as the potential role of diet in the relationship between sleep and obesity.

There are foods that can help sleep - these are cherries, sour cherries, almonds, spinach, warm milk or chamomile tea and more.

There are, of course, foods that have a bad effect on our rest - these are the products that contain caffeine, spicy foods. Sugar-rich foods are also inappropriate before bed because they will raise blood sugar and slow down sleep.
