Shopping Guarantees Us Gaining Weight

Shopping Guarantees Us Gaining Weight
Shopping Guarantees Us Gaining Weight

The habit of more than half of Britons to shop once a week can be cited as a reason for their overweight.

Shopping once every seven days is becoming increasingly popular because of the opportunities offered by the Internet, according to the survey, quoted by the Daily Mail. As many as 38 percent of the respondents took advantage of this opportunity and ordered the products they wanted online.

64 per cent of Britons surveyed admit that after shopping mainly for home, they overeat in the next three days. The reason is that they are loaded with a variety of delicacies and are easily tempted to eat any of them, according to the survey.

Experts advise that in order to avoid such a situation, buy only the necessary amount of food without overdoing it. For this to happen, however, one must be able to fight with oneself and not reach for all the shelves in the supermarkets. Even shopping itself whets a person's appetite, the study shows.

Sweet stuff
Sweet stuff

21 percent of people eat while shopping, and a third of all respondents started eating when they got home and were already unloading their bags at home. 44% of Britons surveyed say they have tried to buy smaller quantities of food, but instead have to go to the store more often.

This is one of the basic rules of dieting - if a product is not in our home, we can not eat it. And while the solution sounds easy and practical, the truth is that most people shop a lot and once a week because they don't have any free time.

Working parents, for example, manage to organize only once a week for basic grocery shopping. In addition, it is possible to limit the adults themselves, but for the children at home there should always be a variety of food, so the task becomes even more difficult for them.

Buying food with a credit card makes us buy more things we don't need - sweet temptations, chips, according to another study. Researchers at Cornell University say that when you walk around the supermarket with a credit card in hand, it is much easier and possible to fill the cart with unnecessary and unhealthy foods.
