Hidden Reasons For Gaining Weight

Hidden Reasons For Gaining Weight
Hidden Reasons For Gaining Weight

More and more women and men today are ready for anything to gain the "right" shape and weight. Still, there are big variations in goal setting. Some just want to look good, while others stick to a slim figure. However, there are many things outside of diet and exercise that affect our body weight. Here are some interesting facts about weight that we need to be aware of.

Excessive fullness is hereditary. In some genes, they are the main culprits for being overweight. Analyzes show that people with certain genes have unhealthy metabolism. After a large-scale study, the completeness gene (FTO) was also identified. A person with variations in this gene gains on average 3 kilograms more than those who do not have FTO in their DNA. However, this fact should not despair you. There are many good examples of people who, through appropriate efforts, reach their dream weight.

It has also been found that weight depends on the number of fat cells contained in your body. The greater their quantity, the greater the possibility of easily gaining weight. Fat cells are formed when the embryo is formed - during the third trimester of pregnancy. At the age of two, they multiply and remain at these levels until puberty. As they reach adolescence, they increase again. The resulting amount is retained for life. It is necessary to know that weight loss only leads to contraction of fat cells, while their number remains the same.

An interesting fact is that higher Basic Metabolic Levels (MA) are responsible for easily reaching the ideal weight. Studies have shown that people with high OMN lose weight more easily, while people with slower metabolic levels are more vulnerable to gaining weight and finding it difficult to lose weight. However, there are many natural remedies that can speed up the metabolism, which will lead to faster weight loss.
