The Most Exotic Foods In The World That Will Amaze You

The Most Exotic Foods In The World That Will Amaze You
The Most Exotic Foods In The World That Will Amaze You

If you travel to an exotic island in the Pacific Ocean or visit an African country, you will surely encounter something different from our cuisine.

Some of the delicacies there may please you, but others will seem too strange. Here are some of the most exotic foods that can be served in different parts of the world:

In Alaska, they like to eat hot dogs that contain venison - because it is quite dry, it is usually mixed with pork and beef.

Hot dogs are an extremely popular food, especially during dog sled competitions, which are held in March. Maybe this is not strange for those who love meat, because hotdoses are made all over the world, which probably have ingredients that are much more repulsive than venison.

In South Africa, on the other hand, they like to eat dried meat from exotic animals - most often antelopes or ostriches. The dish is something like our sazdarma and is called biltong - it can be found in all grocery stores. To prepare this delicacy, the meat must be soaked in malt vinegar or cider. The crumb is then generously rolled in spices and allowed to dry.

Dried ostrich meat
Dried ostrich meat

A traditional dish for the Malaysian heat is ABC, which comes from air batu campur in translation - a mix between water and stone. In the so-called dish put milk, roasted nuts, a little palm sugar, sometimes add vegetables - all mixed with pre-grated ice.

Ice Casang
Ice Casang

Sometimes a local additive - cincau - is added to all this. It is made by boiling the leaves of an herb that is a type of mint - the locals claim that this plant has an iodine taste.

In Wales, you will be offered to try bread with seaweed - in fact, what they will bring you is not like the bread we are used to eating. The dish is prepared with porphyry algae, which are traditional for local cuisine - in Welsh the dish is called bara lawr.

Bread with Algae
Bread with Algae

The algae in question can be found along the shores of the Gower Peninsula - to prepare the so-called. bread, seaweed is boiled. The idea is to turn them into something like pasta, to which oatmeal is added and all this is fried - they look like our mekis.

In Tibet, they will treat you to tea, but different from the Western one - instead of honey or sugar, they put salt in the hot drink there. A piece of Tibetan yak butter is usually added to the tea. There the drink is named po chai and is made from black tea - the locals drink several cups a day.

Tibetan tea
Tibetan tea

The drink is a source of a lot of calories because of the fat, and it also warms the body and protects the lips from cracking, locals explain. The principle is that the higher you go, the more fat will be added to the hot drink. Tibetan traditions suggest that after each exam, the guest's glass is topped up.

Thais are known for their unusual cuisine. One of the favorite dishes for the locals are the fried water beetles. Insects contain a lot of protein, and when fried, the beetles become crispy and tasty - reminiscent of chips.

Fried insects
Fried insects

In addition to this unusual food, you can see at various stalls in Thailand fried mantises, crickets and locusts. What is special about water beetles is that they are about eight centimeters in size and quite similar to cockroaches. Different flavors can be added to insects, including spicy.

For guinea pig lovers, it may be wiser to avoid walking the markets in Ecuador - you are more likely to see a roasted whole guinea pig. Those who have tried it explain that its taste is reminiscent of duck.

Roast guinea pig
Roast guinea pig

Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines can really surprise you with a delicacy - it's called balut. This is a duck's stump, which is two weeks old - there are rudiments of claws, feathers, beak and all this is boiled in the egg.

The snails actually swim in their own liquid, which collects in the egg - this dish is considered an aphrodisiac and is extremely preferred by locals.
