The Most Exotic Spices That You Will Find In Our Country

The Most Exotic Spices That You Will Find In Our Country
The Most Exotic Spices That You Will Find In Our Country

Spices are a mandatory part of delicious dishes. You can limit yourself to the traditional spices used for our latitudes - black and red pepper, savory, mint, etc. However, you can also try something more exotic and different.

The world of spices is vast. We offer you some of the most exotic flavors that you can use in your dishes and that you can find on our market:

- Kuzbara - a complicated name, but in fact this spice is fresh ground coriander. The spice is quite fragrant and especially suitable for bean stews or lentil stew, especially orange. It is also often used as a fish supplement;

- Mahleb - this spice is added to sweet pastries - cakes and pastries, and has the aroma of a cake just taken out of the oven;

- Wei Jing - This is sodium glutamate, which is used in China in almost every dish, is added at the end of cooking. Its purpose is to enhance the taste of all other additives in the dish - it has no taste of its own;

- Chinese colored pepper or more Sichuan pepper - The plant from which the reddish grains of this type of pepper are born is completely different from what we call pepper. However, you can make a combination of it together with white, green and black pepper - you will get an exotic aroma with an interesting unobtrusive taste;

Sichuan pepper
Sichuan pepper

- Bag - in appearance this spice is dark red, ground to a powder and sour in taste. The spice is actually the ground fruit of a shrub that grows in the Mediterranean. The sumac can be dissolved in water, you can sprinkle it on the salad - it tastes like vinegar, which we add to the salad greens. It is very suitable for seasoning potatoes - boiled or fried. Just be careful with the amount, as the spice is quite strong;


- Zaatar - This mixture of spices includes sumac, sesame seeds and thyme. It has a balanced taste and is often sprinkled on bites of bread that have been previously dipped in olive oil;

- Star or star anise - This spice is used in kitchens around the world and is generally gaining serious popularity in our country. Some people don't like star anise at all, but if you decide to experiment, add it to a sweet dish - a fruit salad, for example. You can also use it on stewed vegetables or chicken. Star anise salmon is an absolute classic, so you wouldn't go wrong if you tried this combination;

- Black sesame - its unique aroma fills the whole house, you can use it to sprinkle saltines;

Black sesame
Black sesame

- Saffron - Real saffron is extremely expensive and in general you can rarely come across this spice. Most often they sell substitutes that, if nothing else, will at least color the rice orange;

- Arabic seven spices - This mixture of flavors can be found in any good Arabic store. The difference with this additive is that it is especially rich in aromas - it has a slightly sweet taste due to the added cloves. It is often used for seasoning meat - for example, only one teaspoon is needed for a kilo of minced beef;

- Chinese five spices - is a mixture of star anise, fennel seeds, Sichuan pepper, cloves and cinnamon. Meat is seasoned with this unusual for our widths mixture. It is often used for marinades.
