See Where In The World You Eat The Most And The Least Meat

See Where In The World You Eat The Most And The Least Meat
See Where In The World You Eat The Most And The Least Meat

The world's largest vegetarians are in Bangladesh, where an average person eats 4 kilograms of meat a year, according to a United Nations study.

After Bangladesh, the countries that consume the least meat are India with 4.4 kilograms of meat per year, Burundi with 5.2 kilograms of meat, Sri Lanka with 6.3 kilograms of meat, Rwanda with 6.5 kilograms of meat and Sierra Leone with 7.3 kilograms of meat..

The UK is among the countries where meat is most often consumed, and each year the country eats an average of 84.2 kilograms of meat per person per year.

However, the leaders in carnivores are the United States, where the average person consumes 120 kilograms per year, which is 30 times more than a place that is eaten in Bangladesh.

The results show that the leading countries in meat consumption are among the countries with the most obese population. In the United States and New Zealand, however, meat consumption has declined in recent years.

The study also shows that meat lovers in the UK most often cook dinner with beef. It is followed by pork, lamb, turkey, chicken and venison.


Only 16% of carnivores have tried to give up eating meat and become vegetarians. Most of them, however, failed and returned to their previous diet.

60% of the participants in the study say that their love for meat products does not decrease over time. 5% of them do not even hide that they intend to increase the consumption of their favorite product.

40% of meat lovers say that they are disappointed when they are served a meatless dish.
