The Bread In Our Country - Of Dubious Quality Because Of The Transport

The Bread In Our Country - Of Dubious Quality Because Of The Transport
The Bread In Our Country - Of Dubious Quality Because Of The Transport

The quality of 70 percent of the bread offered in our country is in question because of the transport from producer to trader. Very often bread ideas are transported in dirty buses.

The Federation of Bakers and Confectioners in Bulgaria warns that the law has a serious omission in the control of bread. The workshops for production and the sites offering bread are subject to inspection, but not the transport by which it moves from one point to another.

Some of the manufacturers claim that they are conscientious about the hygiene of vehicles, but it is not uncommon for this work to be saved. Uncleaned buses hide the most serious risk with unpackaged bread, which is 70% of the market in our country.

Due to the shortcoming in the Food Act, changes are being prepared according to which the vehicles transporting bread will be entered in a register and marked with a sign similar to a vignette, so that they can be controlled by the health authorities.

The preparation for the new changes was confirmed by the President of the Union of Bakers and Confectioners Mariana Kukusheva. According to her, the industry has been insisting for years to control the vehicles of the manufacturers.

The bread in our country - of dubious quality because of the transport
The bread in our country - of dubious quality because of the transport

Kukusheva and Plamen Mollov also presented a practical guide for labeling bread, bakery products and pastries. The guide was prepared after the joint work of the BFSA and the Union of Bakers.

In it, through practical examples, the labels of the most common bakery and confectionery products in our country are presented. Its issuance is necessary due to the new European regulation on food labels.

Kukusheva added that the labels of bread will necessarily indicate the presence of gluten, which is an allergen. The percentage of ingredients must also be indicated.

The experts add that the problems in the bread production need the producers themselves to conscientiously control their activity, and not to rely only on changes in the law.
