Growing Buckwheat

Growing Buckwheat
Growing Buckwheat

Buckwheat is one of the important cereals that are very good for health and are very tasty when properly cooked. Growing buckwheat is not difficult, but requires knowledge of some specific moments in the growth of this cereal.

Buckwheat contains 70 percent starch, 9 percent protein and very little fat. Buckwheat is very useful for people who want to lose weight.

Buckwheat is a thermophilic plant. Its seeds germinate when the soil warms up to 8 degrees, but the development of sprouts is better at a temperature of about 20 degrees.

Sprouted buckwheat is very sensitive to frost and at a temperature of 2 degrees below zero the plant is damaged, and at a temperature of 4 degrees below zero it dies.


At temperatures below 14 degrees buckwheat grows poorly, but temperatures above 30 degrees are also unfavorable for its growth. The best temperature during the flowering of buckwheat is from 17 to 25 degrees. Buckwheat should receive enough light.

A positive feature of the root system of buckwheat is its ability to absorb sparingly soluble phosphates. Due to this quality, buckwheat is superior to many cereals in terms of absorption of nutrients.

Buckwheat grows well on fertile and well-dug soil. Buckwheat brings more harvest where there is a pond or forest nearby.

Buckwheat does not tolerate drying winds well. This useful plant is in the first place in terms of humidity requirements among all cereals. At soil moisture of about 30 percent and optimum temperature buckwheat germinates quickly.

Buckwheat / Buckwheat
Buckwheat / Buckwheat

Buckwheat can be planted in soil where corn, sugar beets, legumes are grown. It is not good to plant buckwheat where potatoes are grown.

Natural fertilizer can be applied to the crop that precedes buckwheat. If buckwheat is fertilized with natural fertilizer, it releases many nitrogen-containing substances that accelerate the growth of leaves and stems and have a bad effect on the grains. This results in a lot of straw and a few grains.

Granular superphosphate gives good results. The dose is 20 kilograms per hectare. It accelerates the growth of buckwheat. It is added when planting buckwheat. During flowering fertilize with nitrogen and phosphorus. This results in larger grains. The fertilizer is effective only when the soil is moist.

Before planting buckwheat, the soil is plowed to a depth of 25 centimeters, then to 12 centimeters, and on the day of sowing - to about seven centimeters. Only seeds with a diameter of about 4 millimeters are suitable for sowing.

Buckwheat should be weeded several times. Buckwheat is pollinated by bees, so it is good to have hives around. Buckwheat has a long ripening period, so only ripe plants are harvested.
