Storage With Bloated Stomachs

Storage With Bloated Stomachs
Storage With Bloated Stomachs

A bloated stomach is a fairly common problem. Eating inappropriate foods, fungal infections, are just some of the causes of bloating. Women are more often affected by this problem than men. See which foods can regulate bloating.

It is good to eat fruit in the morning on an empty stomach. This is the best way to keep your lymphatic system healthy. For lunch and dinner, eat a green salad, and you can diversify with lettuce, Brussels sprouts, avocados, cucumbers and tomatoes. Combine salads as you like.

Avoid foods that contain artificial colors, preservatives and other harmful additives.

Avoid sweets and sodas. Do not overdo it with salt, because its excessive use is also a prerequisite for bloating.

Spices such as parsley, mint, ginger successfully deal with swelling. Yogurt helps the regular excretion of processed foods in the body.

It is very important to excrete every day, retention is dangerous because the toxins stay in the body for a long time. To deal with this problem, eat more whole grains, fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds.


Drink plenty of water, it is an invaluable source not only of health but also of beauty. It is considered normal to consume 30-35 ml of water per kilogram of body weight.

Avoid fizzy drinks and do not drink liquids while eating. They dilute stomach acid and digestive juices, which in turn slows down the digestive process.

Do not eat starchy foods at the same time - pasta and potatoes, for example.

Limit fatty and fried foods, processed meats / salami, bacon, ham /, diced broth, chips.

Eat less, but more often. Between meals, make small snacks that will keep your blood sugar level up and keep you full. These can be almonds or some other fruit.

It is good to have a relaxing day in which to consume only apples, tea and plenty of water.

Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day to improve your metabolism.
