Let's Make Balsamic Vinegar At Home

Let's Make Balsamic Vinegar At Home
Let's Make Balsamic Vinegar At Home

Many famous chefs abroad use balsamic vinegar, which they prepare themselves. Everyone can prepare quality balsamic vinegar to add a fragrant note to dishes and salads.

Balsamic vinegar is easily made from cherries. Ingredients: 2 teaspoons full of cherries, 500 milliliters of wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon caramelized sugar, 1 lemon, half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

In an enamel bowl, mash the cherries, on which the stones have been removed beforehand. Add the wine vinegar, caramelized sugar, grated lemon peel and cinnamon.

Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 20 minutes without increasing the heat. Remove from the heat and, after cooling sufficiently, pour into a glass container.

Balsamic vinegar
Balsamic vinegar

Close tightly with a lid and leave for two days in the refrigerator, then strain through gauze, which is placed on a double sieve.

Balsamic cherry vinegar is poured into a bottle, stored in the refrigerator and used for cooking roast meat dishes and for flavoring salads.

Balsamic vinegar is also made with cardamom. Ingredients: 6 green cardamom pods, 12 dark raisins, 12 black peppercorns, 1 teaspoon finely chopped sage, 4 cloves, 300 milliliters of apple cider vinegar.

All ingredients are mixed and left in a dry and dark place for two months. Strain through gauze and pour into a bottle with a tightly closing cap.

If desired, you can add rosemary to the balsamic vinegar, and do not remove it from the bottle. In addition to making the vinegar even more fragrant, rosemary also acts as a stylish decoration if you keep the bottle of balsamic vinegar in a prominent place.

Use the balsamic vinegar made in this way not only in cooking, but also for rinsing the hair for more shine - to one liter of lukewarm water add a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar.

Balsamic vinegar is an ideal remedy against insect bites. After a few seconds, the itching stops and the area does not swell much.
