Let's Make Rice Vinegar At Home

Let's Make Rice Vinegar At Home
Let's Make Rice Vinegar At Home

You need more time than labor to make rice vinegar. You will need rice vinegar if you are preparing Asian dishes. It adds a more specific and rich taste to food. Rice vinegar is made from rice wine, but only fermented rice can be used to make it.

You need white sugar, yeast, eggs and white rice. You also need a double-bottomed container, a measuring cup, a mixing bowl and a clean towel.

Place a packet of white rice in a large bowl or other container. Fill with water and after about 4 hours cover the dish. After another 4 hours, strain the rice with gauze. Return the remaining liquid to the clean bowl and place it in the refrigerator.

The next day, measure the rice water. For each cup add 3/4 cup white sugar. Stir the sugar well until the crystals dissolve.


Heat treatment follows. Prepare a double-bottomed saucepan, pour the mixture inside and put on the stove for only 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. When the mixture becomes cold, transfer it to a glass container.

Add the yeast. For every 4 cups of the liquid, add ¼ a tablespoon of yeast. Mix well.

Now the mixture must ferment. Leave to stand for 5 days to 1 week. Check for bubbles - when they disappear, you are ready for the next second stage of fermentation.

Transfer the mixture to another glass container and leave for another 4 weeks. The time for the second fermentation depends on your preferences. By trying to judge whether you like the taste - you can stop the fermentation.

When the rice vinegar is ready, strain the liquid with gauze, then boil again in a double-bottomed dish. The mixture may appear cloudy. If you want to change this, add 2 beaten eggs for every 40 cups of mix before cooking.

The steps for preparing this vinegar are really simple, the important thing in this case is to make sure that the dosage and fermentation processes are correct.
