About The Swedish Menu And The Key To Rejuvenation

About The Swedish Menu And The Key To Rejuvenation
About The Swedish Menu And The Key To Rejuvenation

Swedish women have long been known for their exceptional beauty, bodies with the right proportions and a fresh, juicy complexion, which they enjoy until old age. Like them, Swedish men are tall, handsome and athletic. Despite the fact that Sweden has one of the harshest and most unfriendly climates in the world.

The exceptional health and beauty of Swedes are not isolated phenomena, but closely related to certain elements of the Swedish daily diet. This is stated by Paavo Airola, a world-renowned nutritionist, a supporter of natural medicine. According to him, the secret of rejuvenation lies in several key elements of the Swedish menu:

1. The rose hips. In Sweden, they have been used for centuries and have always been an essential part of traditional Swedish food. Rose hips, with the exception of a single species, are the richest natural source of vitamin C. They contain 20 to 40 times more vitamin C than oranges. They are also rich in vitamin P, as well as many other vitamins and minerals.

2. Collagen - the key to eternal youth. Why are rose hips so important for health and longevity? The aging process and degenerative changes in the skin - wrinkles, sagging, discoloration and others - are caused by physiological changes in collagen - the intercellular cementum that fuses all cells and tissues of the body. The deterioration is mainly due to vitamin C deficiency in the tissues. The required amount of vitamin C in the diet keeps collagen strong and elastic, which leads to taut, firm skin and a pleasant, smoothed complexion.


3. Whey - Swedish rejuvenating secret number three. Whey is the liquid that remains after cheese is made from milk. In most countries, it is usually discarded or sold as a by-product of animal nutrition. In Sweden, however, whey is never wasted. It is a national food. It is dehydrated and made into whey cheese and butter.

Our intestines are home to billions of bacteria that help the digestive system break down food and absorb nutrients. For optimal health, it is extremely important to always have an abundant supply of these beneficial bacteria.

Dairy products such as whey help feed the acidophilus and bifidus bacteria in the gut and prevent the development of putrefactive bacteria that lead to self-poisoning. Whey, which contains lactose, is the best natural food for these bacteria.
