Whole Grains Restore The Skin

Whole Grains Restore The Skin
Whole Grains Restore The Skin

Eat wholemeal breads and cornflakes to provide your body with two important things - valuable trace elements and at the same time sculpted shape without any effort.

Oats, wheat, buckwheat and corn are valuable in that even when processed, they preserve both the shell of the grain and something really important - the germ of the grain.

The lining improves intestinal peristalsis by reducing the risk of various serious diseases. It is rich in B vitamins, vitamin PP, folic acid, zinc, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and copper.

Muesli with fruit
Muesli with fruit

Eating with whole grains restores the structure of the skin, improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Wheat germ is rich in easily digestible proteins.

In addition, they contain carbohydrates, fats, and most importantly - a large amount of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin E and vitamin A. You can consume wheat and buckwheat grains without cooking them.

Just pour boiling water over them and mix them with yogurt, fresh milk, walnuts, honey, dried fruits, fresh or cooked vegetables. Of course, if you overdo it even with whole grains, this leads to the accumulation of calories.
